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Three Reasons Cleanliness is Fundamentally Important in Hospitals

Residential homes and offices consider cleanliness a vital requirement, but it plays a fundamental role in sensitive areas like hospitals and clinics. Beyond keeping the environment tidy and shiny, it takes more than brushing off dust bunnies to keep the medical landscape safe from diseases’ birth and spread. 

The COVID-19 outbreak’s abruptness has pushed the importance of sanitation and disinfection to the forefront, primarily to control healthcare-associated infections. With that in mind, here are the changes to expect in the healthcare industry in a post-pandemic world.

1. Medical Staff and Professionals Must Maintain Personal Hygiene 

No one doubts the cleanliness in hospitals and clinics, but it’s all about taking it to the next level by removing dangerous bacteria at its source. With that in mind, employees are expected to implement strict sanitation by practicing personal hygiene, from the “five moments” for hand hygiene approach when working with patients to making personal protective equipment (PPE) more accessible than ever. 

2. Thorough Cleaning, Sanitation, and Disinfection in Communal Areas for the Staff and the Public 

All surfaces in communal surfaces must be cleaned to prep the area, followed by thorough disinfection solutions to eliminate the lingering bacteria. This can do wonders for mitigating the spread of infections, keeping it from going from one room or person to the next. 

High traffic areas should be given extra attention, especially surfaces often touched by professionals and patients alike. Doorknobs, handles, faucets, bed rails, and anything that are likely exposed to respiratory droplets require daily cleaning, which involves a combination of detergent and disinfectant solutions. 

For minimally touched surfaces like floors, ceilings, walls, window curtains, and blinds, it’s best to clean these surfaces when you see visible dirt. Window treatments, on the other hand, need regular changing. 

3. Intensive Disinfecting Measures for Patient Transport Vehicles

Vehicles like ambulances need thorough cleaning measures too. In addition to sanitizing the bedding and workstation inside the vehicle, it’s essential to set the air conditioning to fresh air to keep the circulating air clean and free from harmful pathogens. 

The Bottom Line: The Importance of Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting in the Healthcare Industry 

There’s no doubt that an unsanitary environment can look like an eyesore, but cleanliness goes beyond keeping the premises dust-free from floor-to-ceiling. Different cleaning measures can kill bacteria and mitigate the spread of infections, especially in vulnerable medical facilities in the healthcare industry.

That’s why when it comes to keeping hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics spick-and-span, these establishments require the expertise of a trusted commercial cleaning provider. These professionals know the critical differences between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting, allowing you to apply solutions that can effectively remove viruses in the surrounding. 

How Can We Help?

Suppose you’re looking for reliable full-service janitorial and maintenance services in South Florida, USA. In that case, we’re a reputable commercial cleaning provider that can do the dirty work for medical facilities, office buildings, schools, and other organizations. Get in touch with us today at 561-471-8817 and see how we can help make your business shine brighter than ever. 

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