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Spring Fever: Best Ways to Deep Clean Your Office for Spring

We often think of spring cleaning for our homes, but it’s also a great time to deep clean your office too. Clutter in the office not only looks unsightly, but it can also affect your efficiency as well. Deep cleaning your space and organizing it can help reduce the spread of illness and workplace injuries, but it can also make you feel refreshed and ready to have a productive day. Below are some of our tips to deep clean your office for a spring refresh.

File It

If your “to file” box is overflowing, it’s past time to get that stuff filed! If you don’t already have a system, get yourself a few baskets and label them “to read,” “to do,” and “to file.” This will help declutter and manage your paperwork as it moves through the stages of work on your desk. Sometimes your files need a label refresh or perhaps you have files with no labels–now is the time to get that stuff done!
Once you have gone through decluttering your physical filing system, digitally declutter your computer. Trash or archive old emails or files. If you need to create folders and subfolders to store your files in, now is the time to make those to help you get better organized. Declutter your desktop by only keeping your most used shortcuts and icons there. Less used programs and files can be pinned to a quick access folder. 

Go Digital

To eliminate physical files and the space they occupy, consider going paperless. Besides freeing up physical space in your office, it can also help your business save money in the long run and be more environmentally friendly. If you’ve been thinking about going paperless, consider doing it during your spring deep clean. 

Eliminate Junk Drawers

Every home and office has that dreaded junk drawer or cabinet where all those miscellaneous items end up getting stored. While these drawers hide the mess, they also can create stress when they are opened, even wasting your time while searching for things. Clean up these areas by throwing out or recycling junk and then using dividers or bins to organize the remaining items. To keep your junk drawer or cabinet from turning into a junk area again, set a 6 week reminder on your calendar to go through to reorganize and clean it again if needed. 

Eliminate Visual Clutter

Shared workspaces and public areas should have minimal visual clutter. Items needed on a regular basis should be kept out at arm’s reach. If it is a less used item, store it in a nearby cabinet or drawer. If the item is no longer used, consider donating or recycling it.
Keep your personal space free of visual clutter as well. Often, a computer monitor, paper pad, pen and phone are the only items needed consistently. Add a personal item or two and then store the rest to reduce visual clutter. 

Call in the Professionals

years of great cleaning service

Once you have eliminated clutter and organized your own office equipment and tools, it’s time to call in the professionals, like AK Building Services, for a deep cleaning of all your surfaces. If you already use professional cleaning services, consider scheduling a deeper cleaning once in the spring to really refresh your carpets and other surfaces. By keeping these areas clean, you will help reduce the spread of illnesses that can lead to decreased worker productivity as well as increased sick days. If you don’t already use professional cleaning services, there’s no better time to start. Give us a call today to see what services we offer or to schedule your spring deep cleaning!

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